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Started Lecturer Position at ICL

I have started a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) position at Imperial College London as part of the Imperial-X initiative.

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Presented Paper at RO-MAN

I presented our accepted paper titled "The Impact of an In-Home Co-Located Robotic Coach in Helping People Make Fewer Exercise Mistakes" at RO-MAN 2022. The paper can be found here.


Work Published in New York Times

Our work on robots for children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) was published in the New York Times. The article can be found here.

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Paper Accepted at HRI 2022

Our paper titled "We Make a Great Team!”: Adults with Low Prior Domain Knowledge Learn more from a Peer Robot than a Tutor Robot was accepted at HRI 2022. 

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Paper Accepted at IJCAI 2021

Our paper titled BKT-POMDP: Fast Action Selection for User Skill Modelling over Tasks with Multiple Skills was accepted at IJCAI 2021. The paper can be found here.

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Conformity Research Published in THRI

Our paper titled A Minority of One against a Majority of Robots: Robots Cause Normative and Informational Conformity was accepted at THRI 2020. The paper can be found here.


Research Featured on the Wall Street Journal

Our work on how groups of robots can be pro-social and stop robot mistreatment was recently featured on The Wall Street Journal.


Research Featured on IEEE Spectrum

Our work on how groups of robots can be pro-social and stop robot mistreatment was recently featured on IEEE Spectrum


Paper Accepted at CogSci 2020

Our paper titled Perceived Agency of a Social Norm Violating Robot was accepted at CogSci 2020. The paper can be found here.


Paper Accepted at HRI 2020

Our paper titled Prompting Prosocial Human Interventions in Response to Robot Mistreatment was accepted at HRI 2020. The paper can be found here.


SAR Project Features in News

Our paper titled Improving social skills in children with ASD using a long-term, in-home social robot has been featured in multiple news outlets including New Atlas, Yale News and US News.

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